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Superman is the first comic-book superhero, the template for all of the costumed crimefighters that followed him, and one of the most successful pop-culture properties of all time. To the late actor Christopher Reeve, who iconically played the Man of Steel in the movies, Superman was something even more meaningful. “A friend. That's what people really need most,” he explained in an interview promoting his final performance as the superhero.
...Superman is not like the rest of us—but, symbolically, he’s the best of us. The epitome of goodness, perhaps his greatest strength is his moral center. He strives to help everyone whenever he can, and no task is too great or too small. For those who love the hero—as well as his affable alias, Clark Kent—he’s a role model. No one else can be Superman, but we can all strive to be like Superman. All it takes is a willingness to use whatever
...Eighty-five years after his debut, we still get a thrill when we hear that phrase, all these years later, it continues to inspire hope, offering us the chance to see the perfect hero flying in to save the day. Superman is the first superhero, but he is also a great immigrant story. He is, after all, an alien, in every sense of the word, who has come from across the universe to become the perfect embodiment of the American Dream. Small town boy